The International Shopping List Test (ISLT)
Enhanced Version

Tablet App

All proprietary information has been removed. You can view thefinal prototypeto see how the app was upgraded. Continue below to see insights into the process.

Project Overview
The Cogstate International Shopping List Test (ISLT) is a word list learning game used in Clinical Trials to measure if there is any cognitive decline over a period of time. This game (or “tests” as they are known internally,) is one of Cogstate’s core products. I was tasked with researching and updating both the UX and UI for the International Shopping List Test for today’s audience.

The game itself consists of 3 - 4 rounds, with each round consisting of the same 12 nouns being read aloud. Then the user needs to recite as many of the 12 words as they possibly can back to the Clinician who is administering the game.

Both the reading and recalling of the 12 nouns is known as a round. There is a 15 minute break between each round with a final fourth round that takes place an hour later. The goal of the game is to measure episodic memory in global clinical trials with a standardization of administration, cultural appropriateness, ease of translation and ecological validity.

My Role
I was the lead UX Designer on this project conducting the primary user interviews, collating the results, and creating the personas.

Once I had the two primary personas created, I created a customer journey map based on my new findings to illustrate some known and unknown pain points with that ISLT app.

I then worked with lo-fi prototypes to address the challenges of adding in new features to address certain pain points for the users. The science behind the ISLT application having been scientifically validated provided a unique challenge in addressing the user needs. We could only alter the certain workflows that wouldn't invalidate the science.
User research and market analysis lasted two weeks with the design phase lasting 3 months. The last month of that time was dedicated to A/B testing with our core persona, Rater Trainers who administer the game in a trial setting.

The initial pilot response was so favorable with the Raters that an additional development period was added for experimenting with a “self-administered” mobile MVP version of the Shopping List app. The mobile MVP, also popular with Raters and Clinical Trial Manager, spawned a sibling app for the consumer market now branded as Lila (see that case study here.) 
Project Duration
Research and Pilot Phase
Apr 2015 — Mar 2016